first week at SkaeHub developer program
through out my coding experience the biggest takeaway so far is having a group of likeminded people is better than doing everything on your own with out the perspective from someone else who understands what your code is going to do. Having to learn things alone was limiting but having a group of programmers around you teach you some tricks to make your work more efficient
this is only the begging of my story from my first week at the SkaeHub developer program
having started the program on Monday i met my group member we were handed the program Curriculum and what we should have learnt before the end of the program, the Curriculum was divided into major parts which include:
a)Technical Skills
these are the processes, tools and technologies that we have to learn that are used day-to-day by professional programmers and software engineer
b)Programming Logic
this is the ability to solve real world problems, most people think coding is holy grail of coming up with the solution but boy oh boy that is not it.
b)soft skills
this gives the ability to present yourself professionally
technical skills
major topics covered are:
- version control
I wont lie before the SkaeHub developer program ,GitHub and version control was something I was always intimidate by. I used to store all my projects on my local machine and only shifted when wanted the file hosted. I learn most things about how to use version control and how to navigate throw GitHub. not saying now I can conquer GitHub with my eyes closed but I am now better and not anymore intimidate with version control. This is a skill I really appreciate
2.web scrapping
this was something i did not now before. This is the process of extracting data from website and this data can be stored or used in your program. the day we did web scrapping was the longest day, the assignment was to get the number of followers someone had on their twitter account. We used a python library called selenium and beautiful soup. Before using selenium we had written long lines of code only after using selenium did we just do it in less than ten lines of code. That was a very long day
coming from developing using flutter I had some experience using SQflite which was the equivalent of SQLite in was good experience to implement it in a different language.
4 working with API’s
we learnt about https request and how data is transferred using API, our assignment on API we used Nominatim API which is similar to map API from google. User entered location/zip code and gave a result of information about the location/zip code that the user entered it was fun going throw the information about a location
Programming Logic
for programming logic as had Said earlier. Programming is not just opening the ide of choice and start hitting the ground running and just coding .we were given a good way of how a good programmer manages his/her time while working on a project. Before starting to code you should break down the problem into simple step and giving a step by step process on how you are going to reach the solution.
the biggest emphasis was planning planning planning and planning. Before the bootcamp i used just to start a project with no planning at all, at first when starting a project everything will go smoothly till you hit a major wall. I used to sometime delete a whole file or worst case scenario start the project once a gain which was not fun at all .since being given this lesson i apply it to even the smallest project that i am working on and to be honest it works .it is helpful because you will have already know which errors and walls that are ahead of you even before you write your first code. This works so good sometimes i think its magic😅
soft skills
having to learn in an environment that is conducive to coding i was able to create friendships with not only members of my group #greatest team ever #apollo but also the other group and also be able to handle work professional it was a lot of fun .also I have to thank Humphrey musonye for giving as tips on how to conduct ourselves professional and not turning into a robot on focused on job alone, again thank you 🤝
in that first week on the SkaeHub developer program i have learnt a lot of things and now i can finally i am good at python language and next step is to now learn a python framework. Also learnt how to work as a group together in solving problem making friends and creating a work relationship with happy to say looking forward to the next week to see what is in store for us
hope you have a great time and sorry for all the Leonardo-DiCaprio memes😊